tiny trucks (and other vehicles)
I love how kids draw. When my oldest started drawing cars when he was three, I was enchanted. It's been interesting to watch his artistic development since then. At some point when he was four, my son started to complain that he couldn't draw vehicles "the right way." I know he just wanted to make his drawings reflect what his mind was imagining and was frustrated with his level of technical ability, but would a realistic drawing really be better? I don't think so. These tiny trucks (and other vehicles) are made after his drawings.
I created this series for the Quarenteeny Art Show Competition in April 2020, hosted via Instagram by @tinyartshow. If you haven't been introduced to tiny art show, I highly recommend checking them out!
I created this series for the Quarenteeny Art Show Competition in April 2020, hosted via Instagram by @tinyartshow. If you haven't been introduced to tiny art show, I highly recommend checking them out!