100 Before Birth
April - August 2019
Being a mother and an artist is a bit of a balancing act. When my first baby was born, my life was consumed with his presence. During his first year I made a total of one painting and taught art classes. I felt like I couldn't be a good mom and artist at the same time. When one role was emphasized, the other suffered. While I am not perfect at it, I have since adjusted my use of time and energy to better balance these roles. "100 Before His Birth" is a preparation for the birth of my second son. I am making a series of small artworks throughout the summer , exploring my art making practice. Once this baby comes, I'll need to take an art break for a while as my family and I figure out our new normal, and my hope is that these 100 small artworks will help me in finding my new mother/artist balance.
Follow #100BeforeHisBirth to see my progress! I will also intermittently post images of my work here.
Follow #100BeforeHisBirth to see my progress! I will also intermittently post images of my work here.